January 02,2023 45 year old male resident of narketpally driver by occupation came to op with chief complaints of vomitings since 3 days, decreased appetite and weaknes since 3 days HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 years back , then he developed fever , joint pains , muscle cramps and loin pain for which he went to the near by hospital and diagnosed to have chikungunya . And he was Also diagnosed to have kidney injury . He was treated conservatively and sent back home He has constant pain in the loin region since 4 years and his pain increased while driving long distances . He used nsaids when his pain increased. One year ago he had similar complaints of vomitings and decreased appetite. 3 days ago he came with vomitings immediately after consuming food , non projectile , non bilious containing food particles and decreased appetite and weakness. At our hospital he underwent 3 episodes of dialysis . After which his symptoms have decreased and his back pa...